On September 16, 2009 he was appointed by the Lubbock County Commissioners to the position of Sheriff. Then on March 3rd, 2010 Kelly won the Primary election for Sheriff of Lubbock County.
Summary of Qualifications |
1992-1993 | Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy: Peace Officer Academy |
1993-1999 | Midland County Sheriff’s Office: Began as Deputy Sheriff, then promoted to Corporal and eventually Sergeant of Detention (Shift Commander). Served as a sniper on Tactical Operations Unit for three years and worked evening patrol. |
1999-2009 | Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office: Served as Chief Deputy of the entire Sheriff’s Office. Hired in 1999 as Assistant Jail Administrator as Lieutenant, and later as Captain in the same capacity; Captain of Law Enforcement, then as Chief Administrator, which oversaw the budget for the entire department and was Chief Deputy of Detention. |
2009 – Present | Sheriff of Lubbock County, Texas |
2016 – Present | Texas Commission on Jail Standards, Commissioner |
2016 – Present | Sheriff’s Association of Texas Member of the Board of Directors |
Relevant Experience |
1985-1989 | New Mexico Military Institute: Squadron Commander, (Commanded largest squadron, over 250 cadets in my command) |
1989-1992 | United States Army: Fire Team Leader, Light Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. |
Education |
1985-1987 | New Mexico Military Institute: High School |
1987-1989 | New Mexico Military Institute: Junior College |
Professional Memberships &Committees |
1999-Present | Texas Jail Association-(2006 President) |
1999-Present | American Jail Association |
2003-Present | Sheriff’s Association of Texas |
2006-Present | TCJS Committee to Study Jail Staffing Ratios |
2009-Present | Board Member, Lubbock Emergency Communications District |
2009-Present | National Sheriffs’ Association |
2009-Present | Texas Corrections Association |
2009-Present | Lubbock Chamber of Commerce |
2014-2020 | Sheriffs’ Association of Texas, Jail Advisory Committee Chairman |
2015 -Present | Texas Commission on Jail Standards / Commissioner |
2017-2018 | Sheriffs’ Association of Texas Sergeant-At-Arms |
2018 – 2019 | Sheriff’s Association of Texas Second Vice-President |
2019-Present | Sheriffs’ Association of Texas First Vice-President |
2019-2020 | TEEX Criminal Justice Academy Advisory Committee Member |
2019-Present | TEEX Criminal Justice Academy Advisory Chairman |
2020 – Present | StarCare Board Member |
National Memberships & Speaking Opportunities
Testified before the Texas State Legislature to prevent the abolishment of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards that would have placed regulatory control over county jails under the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Invited to speak on a panel based on my expertise on “Innovative Jail Design and Operations” at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Participated in national training video for the National Institute of Corrections for “Planning of a New Institution.”
Participated in national training video for the National Institute of Corrections for “Planning of a New Institution.”
Guest speaker at the American Jail Association Annual Conference on Managing Budgets in Times of Deficit Economies.
Member of the Large Jail Network (by invitation only: Bi-Annual meeting of representatives of largest facilities throughout the country to discuss current issues involving jail personnel, administration and other issues.
Served as a member of the development staff and a speaker for the Basic Jail Administrators Course at the Correctional Management Institute of Texas at Sam Houston State University.
Provided testimony to both, Texas County Affairs Committee and Senate Criminal Justice Committee regarding suicides in Texas jails as well as mental health assessment and screening processes.
Presented Lubbock County innovations and participated in the authoring of the All Sheriffs’ Authority 2019 Mental Health Report and recommendations along with the accompanying letter to the Attorney General Barr. This collaboration was facilitated by the National Sheriffs’ Association, Bureau of Justice Assistance, and the National Institute of Corrections.
Participated in finalizing the County Self-Assessment Tool for the national Stepping-Up Initiative to reduce the numbers of people with mental illness in our jails. Launched the program in Lubbock County and ultimately were honored with “Innovator County” Status for Texas. This program was a national collaboration with multiple groups involved including: American Psychiatric Association, National Association of Counties, National Council of State Governments, National Institute of Corrections and many others.
Presented in the Webinar, Stepping Up 101: A Primer for Sheriffs to educate and assist Sheriffs Offices on the benefits of participation with the initiative.
Provided testimony to select U.S. Senators and their Chiefs of Staff in Washington D.C. on the importance of renewing the CCHBC grant funding for support of mental health services in Texas, as well as other states.