The Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office Reserve Program was established in 1982. The Reserve Program Deputies who work in a wide variety of other career fields, but also hold an active peace officer license through the TCOLE. Those Deputies that serve in the Reserve Program donate their time and effort to the citizens of Lubbock County in a wide variety of functions to include: the ABC Pro Rodeo, Ironman Half Triathlon, Operation Med Take Back, Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Lions Club Pancake Festival, The Fourth on Broadway Parade, and several other events throughout the year that benefit our community.
These special events are just a small function of the Reserve Program whose main role is to support the Sheriff’s Office in any and all areas needed. The members of the Reserve Program have donated over 2300 hours of their time to the community in 2013.
If you are interested in becoming a Reserve Deputy with the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office please contact Captain Anthony Castillo at (806) 775-1420.