Volunteer Application Process

Thank you for your interest in joining our rehabilitative programs here at the Lubbock County Detention Center. We sincerely look forward to you becoming a part or our team and making a difference in the lives our inmates.

The application process is as follows:
• The application will need to be printed and filled out in its entirety including a copy of your driver’s license and social security card.

• The application will then be turned in at the Lubbock County Detention Center Administrative office.

• Contact Krystal Knott Programs Administrative Assistant (806)775-7010 or kknott@lubbockcounty.gov, with any questions.

• Once approved you will be contacted either by phone or through email. (Please provide email address on your application.)

• Once your application has been approved you will be scheduled for a TB test. TB tests are done on Tuesday’s between 11:30-2:30 if this time is not convenient for you other arrangements can be made. Your picture for your badge will also be taken at this time.

• You must return to the facility 48 hours after the TB test has been administered to have the test read. At that time you may pick up your badge and bar code.

• Every new volunteer must attend our Facility Security Training Program (it is offered once a month on a Saturday) if you cannot make the first one you will be scheduled for the following month. This will be scheduled at the time you come in to have your TB test read and your badge made.

• Once all requirements are met and you are ready to begin changing lives!

Thank you again for your application, without people like you are rehabilitative/ educational programs would not exist.

Volunteer Application