EnvironmentalThe Environmental Division works 8 hour shift sMonday through Friday, however one officer will be on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Environmental Deputies answer calls for service regarding tall weeds, junk vehicles, illegal burns, illegal dumping and many other environmental issues. In addition to their normal duties the Environmental Deputies will assist the Patrol Division and other divisions within the Lubbock Sheriff’s Office as needed. The Environmental Deputies will issue citations on some issues and will file criminal cases with the Lubbock District Attorney’s Office on many others.

Environmental Deputies receive continual in-service training to keep current on the ever changing laws and Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) required training. Environmental Deputies, in addition to their normal duties have the ability to serve on the Tactical Operations Unit, and Honor Guard.

Environmental Office: (806) 775-1479
Corporal’s Office: (806) 775-1415