Beginning Salaries

Logistics Clerk: Begins $33,696.00
Screening Officer: Begins $42,203.20/yr
Entry Level Detention Officer: Begins $44,081.44/yr
Communications Operator:
Begins $44,620.16/yr
Deputy/Detention Officer:
Begins $56,800.64/yr
Begins $62,549.76/yr
Criminal Investigator/Sergeant: Begins $71,050.72/yr
Staff Sergeant: Begins $72,548.32/yr
Lieutenant: Begins $83,050.24/yr
Captain: Begins $95,049.76/yr

*Pay may vary depending on experience.

Incentive Pay

Officers are eligible for incentive pay for education and team participation.

  • For Education:
    • Associates degree – $75/month
    • Bachelor’s degree – $150/month
    • Masters degree – $225/month
  • For Advanced Licenses:
    • Intermediate – $75/month
    • Advanced – $150/month
    • Master – $225/month
  • Team Pay:
    • Instructor – $100/month
    • Team Pay (Honor Guard) – $100/month
    • Team Pay (SWAT) – $100/month
    • Team Pay (Detention Response Team) – $100/month
    • Team Commander – $50/month

1. Team pay is limited to a maximum of 2 teams per officer.
2. Instructors are required to teach 40 hours annually to qualify.
3. Negotiators are included in the Tactical Team.

Retention Pay

All full-time county employees will receive retention pay of $5 a month for each year of service, up to 25 years of continuous service which is a cap of $1,500 a year.

Personal Leave:

Regular full-time (40 hour) employees earn 6 hours each bi-weekly period. Regular full-time employees with eight or more years of consecutive service earn 8 hours each bi-weekly period. 171-hour employees earn 9.75 hours each bi-weekly period, which includes holiday time. 171-hour employees with eight or more years of consecutive service earn 11.75 hours each bi-weekly period, which includes holiday time. Employees are eligible to use accrued personal leave after two weeks of continuous service.


Holidays are designated each year by the Commissioner’s Court. Regular full-time (40 hour) employees are eligible for all holiday leave/pay. 171-hour employees, regular part-time and seasonal employees are not eligible for holiday pay.

Funeral Leave:

Employees may take three days leave with pay for the death of an immediate family member.

Retirement Plan:

Lubbock County participates in the Texas County and District Retirement System. Employees are vested after eight years of service. Once vested, employees are eligible for a retirement benefit when one of the following requirements are met:

      • Age 60 with 8 years of service; or
      • Any age with 20 years of service; or
      • Age plus years of service equals 75.

Deferred Compensation:

Employees can participate in a pre-tax retirement savings plan with financial services via payroll deduction.

Credit Union:

Employees are eligible to join the Alliance Federal Credit Union and open savings accounts, credit cards and low interest loans and make payments through payroll deduction.

County employees are also eligible for corporate priced health club memberships; discount offers for area sporting events and entertainment; computer training and opportunities for advancement. Note: See an employee handbook for a detailed explanation of benefits.